Simplify your 401(k)

Less fees, better service, more powerful plan

Are you looking to provide your employees with a secure financial future? At Cornerstone Portfolios, we understand the importance of offering a well-managed retirement plan to attract and retain top talent. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping businesses like yours maximize the potential of their 401(k) plans, ensuring that employees can achieve their long-term financial goals without changing your current provider.

Same provider, more savings

We know a 401(k) plan can seem overwhelming as a business owner, but it can be simplified into three key areas: fees, service and quality of investments. With our transparent fee structure, we aim to minimize unnecessary costs, allowing our clients to maximize their investment returns. Additionally, our dedicated team of financial experts is always available to provide personalized guidance and support, ensuring that our clients have a seamless experience and can make informed decisions about their retirement savings. We believe that by offering reduced fees and exceptional service, we can help our clients achieve their long-term financial goals with confidence and peace of mind.

Simplifying your plan

If you're a business owner committed to securing your financial future, it's crucial to periodically evaluate the performance of your 401(k) plan. By watching this video, you'll gain valuable insights into the key factors that determine the effectiveness of your current plan. Our goal is to equip you with the necessary knowledge to determine if your plan needs a tune-up and make informed decisions to secure your retirement.

Is your 401(k) in need of a tune up?

Let’s get started.
(610) 973-5334

6201 Hamilton Blvd, Suite 209

Allentown, PA 18106

Our financial advisors are here to help:

David Guensch

Rich Fogal

We’d love to connect.